
Good Information on Mental Health

Self-Help Resources Can Help You Overcome Life's Challenges

When people encounter life problems, they usually begin helping themselves by asking a trusted friend or relative for information. They might ask of whether their friend has encountered that type of problem before and how they might have mastered that life challenge.

In today’s world there are many resources available to read about, hear about, or view a video on different ways of how people solved issues that are similar to yours. Today, there is an immeasurable amount of information on the internet; there are blogs, tweets, and specialized websites, there are TV shows, and YouTube clips. So, it might be somewhat difficult to discern which information is “good information”. While most online information has value, some of it might not be researched, or made with the foundation of valid and solidly researched information on a certain life situation.

Materials on some of the online information sources might be one sided, only portraying life-problems from the author’s point of view, and not having used and researched the commonalities of other’s similar life challenges. Most importantly, scientifically validated information, shown to have helped many in similar life situations, is difficult to discern from the many sources available.

I want to help you with finding the resources that have gained recognition as valuable in the self-help arena, helping you master your life challenges. Therefore, I am listing only sources that have come to be accepted as valuable self-help resources. However, that is not to say that I am listing all available and valuable self-help sources, that challenge is too great for the purposes of my website. I may have left out valuable self-help resources, simply by not knowing of them, or making a choice between two similar products. This is due only to the immense amount of self-help resources out there, and does not mean that these sources are not good information.

By pointing you into a direction of good self-help information, I hope I have helped you in dealing with your life’s challenges. You can make the most of your life, by taking the opportunity to learn about your life challenges, facing your challenges head on, and actively changing those things that can be changed. Take the opportunity to enjoy your life once more: choose to live well and thrive.

Self-Help Resources for Depression

BIBLIOTHERAPY: Books for Depression Self-Help

Mind over Mood by Dennis Greenberger

This book on depression is based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy helping the reader, in a step by step fashion, gain skills to help resolve relationship problems, stress, depression, increase self esteem and manage day to day activities more confidently.

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David Burns

A tried approach to depression self-help the author expertly guides you to question, analyze and correct your thinking so you might find new and more functional ways to navigate life. This book uses techniques that have been widely researched and proven to decrease depression.

The Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns

This book about depression can be used alone or in conjunction with the "Feeling Good" book. The author expands on common negative feelings and thoughts that are common with depression and helps guide the reader through structured exercises towards the readers goals.

The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Depression by William Knaus

Workbook for alleviating depression guiding the reader through cognitive behavioral exercises. A widely used book either with therapy or without, this book has helped many seeking help work through depression to once more gain a more fulfilling life.

Learned Optimism : How to change your Mind and Your Life by Martin Seligman

The author demonstrates how learned optimism can change lives. He draws on 20 years of research on negativity and depression highlighting the health benefits of learned optimism. The reader is guided from negativity to a more positive outlook on life.

The Mindful Way Through Depression by Mark Williams

Working through emotions and depression with mindfulness not only allows the reader to pay attention to the negative emotions, it helps the reader stop and notice all of the positive that there is in spite of the current situation and forge a path out of depression...

Movies for Depression Self-Help


A very accurate and moving depiction of depression, starring Ashley Judd. The film’s focus is to painstakingly depict the course of depression on Helen and her family and surroundings. The movie shows that depression is a persistent, elusive force, and the struggle and triumph of people working their way out of depression. This film can be especially helpful for family members or anyone who knows someone with depression.

A Woman Under the Influence

This film depicts the effect of depression on family life. The depression becomes so severe that the husband brings his wife is to the hospital in an act of desperation. There she is admitted for an extended stay. Her husband’s inability to provide emotional support throughout her ordeal has devastating consequences on their relationship and their children.

Men Get Depression by Grady Watts

The destructive effects of depression are explored in this one hour documentary. Real men were being followed through life showing the devastating effects on the self, their relationships with others, and their struggles with their careers. The intimate profiles show their paths through psychotherapy, with commentaries by leading medical authorities on the disease.

Other Self-Help Products

Health Journeys: A Meditation to Help You Relieve Depression by Belleruth Naparstek

Meditations2Go:Guided Meditations CD Set 1 by Roy Brookler